Thank you, House.

Thank you house

Thank you, house.

Thank you for being the nurturing place where we tucked our babies into bed each night.

Thank you for being the happy place where laughter echoed and joyful moments were celebrated.

Thank you for being the comfortable place where we could put our feet up, relax and breathe.

Thank you for being the healing place where our hearts could mend and our tears could dry.

Thank you for being the welcoming place where friends and family could be loved and lavished.

Thank you for being the fun place of sleepovers, birthday parties, and holiday traditions.

Thank you for being the inspiring place where we could dream and plan and create.

Thank you for being the nesting place where wings grew strong and amazing flights were launched.

Thank you for being the faithful place where it was always safe to land.

Thank you for being the warm place where I’ve counted my blessings for the past 12 years.

Thank you for being that very special place that will forever be a part of our story.

Thank you, house, for being more than just a house.

Thank you for being our home.



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