Category Archives: portrait photography

Welcome to the world, beautiful baby Milo!

Just when you think you know love, something little comes along to remind you just how big it really is.  His sweet little hands stole myView full post »

Fairy wings, dreams, and magical things

Like glittering dust on fairy wings, little girl dreams are magical things.  I recently had a visit from two of the most beautiful MagicView full post »

A true family bond

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood but of respect and joy in each other’s life. ~ Richard Bach I recently spentView full post »

Welcome to the world, Westley!

A new baby is like the beginning of all things – wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. ~Edna J LeShan Every opportunity that I haveView full post »

Owain, Hartland High School, Class of 2017

I’m proud to get to present my son, Owain, Hartland High School, Class of 2017! For the past 17 years I have watched him grow, learn,View full post »

Mason, Class of 2017

I’m so happy to introduce Mason, Hartland High School, Class of 2017! Mason is another senior that I’ve had the joy of watchingView full post »

Family Fun in the Magic Forest

One of the best parts of living and working in the Magic Forest is getting to share it with others. Each season offers so many wonderfulView full post »

Adam, Class of 2017

It’s my pleasure to get to introduce Adam, Hartland High School, Class of 2017! Exactly 30 years ago, I graduated from high schoolView full post »

Brett, Class of 2017

It’s with a tug at my heart strings that I introduce Brett, Hartland High School, Class of 2017! For the past 11 years, this boy hasView full post »

Trevor, Class of 2017

It is so fun for me to get to introduce Trevor, Hartland High School, Class of 2017! Six whole years ago, I took on the awesome challengeView full post »

Collin, Class of 2017

I am so happy to introduce Collin, Hartland High School, Class of 2017! A scholar athlete with a drive and determination to always do hisView full post »

Bryce, Class of 2017

I’m honored to get to introduce Bryce, Hartland High School, Class of 2017! The first time I met Bryce, he was an adorable and fullView full post »