Capturing senior magic in a heart filled theater session

What if life were more like theater? Wouldn’t life be grand? ~Neil Patrick Harris

To know Mason is to know his passion for theater. Four years ago, he began his journey on stage as an enthusiastic, wide eyed freshman full of spunk and spirit, ready to learn and grow as a theater kid. Not only did that growth and hard work take him to leading roles on stage but he became a leader off stage too. As president of the drama club and head of the marketing crew, he has put his heart into each opportunity with a smile, making a difference to his club and each of the eight fantastic shows he was involved in. He has brought joy to our community with his talent and contagious excitement for what he has grown to love so much. Now a senior after the final bow, he’s getting ready to walk across a new stage with diploma in hand and I just know life for Mason will be grand! Being a theater loving photographer, I had so much fun creating these images for Mason and his wonderfully supportive family! Here’s a little peek at some of my favorites. I hope you enjoy!












Keep your theater experience in your heart, Mason, and life will be full of standing ovations!


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