Calvin, Class of 2017

I’m so happy to introduce Calvin, Hartland High School, Class of 2017! Before our photo shoot, I think the last time I saw Calvin was when I was volunteering in his elementary school classroom. He’s changed quite a bit since then and I now have to look up when I talk to him but he still has that same million dollar smile that I remember from way back then.  Cal requested an indoor formal portrait shoot so we met up at my natural light studio and had the best time. Before our session was over, we couldn’t resist heading outside for a few more shots in the forest and I’m so glad we did! I loved hearing about his plans for an exciting senior year and his dreams to go to college for aviation after he graduates. It was so fun to not only see him all grown up but to get the chance to capture him in pictures as the wonderful young man he has become. Here’s a peek at a few of my favorites~









Thank you so much, Calvin! Wishing you an awesome senior year!!


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