Rhys, Class of 2016

I’ve had my camera focused on this awesome senior since he was just a little boy and I’ve watched and cheered as he’s grown into the fantastic young man he is today. Not only do I feel incredibly lucky to be his photographer, but the fact that I get to be his aunt is a gift that I’m very grateful for.  Rhys is a deep thinker, a passionate dreamer, and a motivated doer. He’s smart and fun loving with a wonderful quiet confidence that inspires. On top of his high school course load, he’s currently driving himself to Ann Arbor to take college courses and when he isn’t in class, he’s working hard at his job. I love hearing his plans and ideas for the future he’s designing and can’t wait to see his dreams come true! Here’s a peek at some of my favorites from our session together.










Keep dreaming and reaching for the stars, Rhys! We’re so proud of you and will be cheering for you all the way. Have a wonderful senior year!


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