Introducing Jessica, Class of 2018!

I’m so happy to introduce Jessica, Hartland High School, Class of 2018! I love to photograph sessions at my Magic Forest studio but I also love to go out on location to new and interesting magical spots. I had so much fun with Jessica’s session as we explored a special new area to me and was so inspired by the beauty all around us! It was the perfect place for her shoot and I loved the chance to spend time with her and her wonderful mama on an absolutely perfect summer evening.  A determined scholar athlete, she has a passion for her swim team, family, and friends. She wears the most gorgeous, radiant smile and has a contagious sunny spirit that lit up my lens and was such a joy to photograph. Here’s a peek at our time together. I hope you enjoy!






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Thank you, Jessica! Wishing you a wonderful senior year and a future full of happiness! xoxo



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