Fairy wings, dreams, and magical things

Like glittering dust on fairy wings, little girl dreams are magical things. 

I recently had a visit from two of the most beautiful Magic Forest fairies! From the instant that I met these cuties a couple of years ago during a family portrait session, they stole my heart with their big smiles and warm spirits. They are as spunky as they are sweet and smart and a complete joy to be around! It’s been so wonderful to watch them grow in front of my lens and so fun to capture the magic of their childhood during this precious stage of life. Although they are getting ready to move out of state, I’m not saying goodbye because the forest door will always be open to these sweethearts and I’m counting on many future visits to come! I hope you enjoy a few of my favorites from our time together!









Sending love and lollipops, sweet girls, and remember…
“Think of the happiest things. It’s the same as having wings.”
Until next time! xoxoxo



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