Welcome to the world, sweet baby Ned!

Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. ~Winnie the Pooh

Each day that I get to welcome a new baby to my studio feels like the best day ever, and the time I recently got to spend with sweet baby Ned was exactly that! He came to the studio sound asleep with his mama and daddy, and even his wonderful grandpa who was visiting from Alaska. Soon after his arrival, little Ned was awake and wide eyed, and I loved getting to capture him while he took in everything around him and also kept a close eye on his beautiful mama! I had so much fun creating a special Magic Forest newborn nest for this session and couldn’t wait to try it out. Much to my delight, he was perfectly content and cozy just hanging out in it. He was so cute and I seriously didn’t want them to leave!! I especially loved that I got to hold and cuddle this little guy as much as I did! It was extra challenging to pick my favorites from this session but here are just a few. I hope you enjoy a peek at our time together!











Sweet dreams, beautiful boy! The world is so lucky that you’re here! xoxo


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