A true family bond

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood but of respect and joy in each other’s life. ~ Richard Bach

I recently spent a beautiful summer evening with a fun family of sixteen at the home and property of the very warm and welcoming Nana and Papa! I’ve had the privilege of photographing this wonderful extended family before and, truth be told, they’ll always be one of my favorites! Each time I get the chance to see them interacting and enjoying each other through my lens, it leaves me with ALL the happy feelings and smiling so big that my cheeks hurt! Soon a big part of this family will be moving out of state for grad school so capturing the bond of everyone together before they go was the focus of our session. Always full of laughs, energy and lots of love, our time together was so much fun and it was such a pleasure to be their photographer once again.  I hope you enjoy a peek at a few of my many favorites!

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Wishing you all the best in your new adventure!! Please come back soon! xo


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